الخميس، 5 سبتمبر 2013

Christopher Columbus

Christopher Columbus ( Latin : Christophorus Columbus ) ( 31 أكتوبر 1451 - 20 May 1506) Rahalhaatali
famous, is credited with the discovery of the New World ( America ) . Born in the city of Genoa in Italy , he studied mathematics and natural sciences ( and perhaps also Astronomy ) at the University of Pavia. Across the islands Alotalseyosal Ocean Caribbean on October 12 , 1492 , but his discovery of the land of the North American continent was in his second trip in 1498 . Some of the effects indicate the presence of a connection between continent Alawrobehwalomrakih the Columbus even before the discovery of that territory in a long time . Of his personality inspired the name of the country : Colombia
Generated in Columbus, the idea of ​​this trip desire to achieve for three reasons :
Fame and riches.
Fanaticism for Katoleikth born has the desire to find a way other than roads with AQIM Mohammedans as he put it . In marine blogs .
Exerted considerable effort in the study of modern naval operation in his time . As scholars of his time acknowledged that transit to semi Algarhalhendeh and Asia not only on flights to the east , but access possible direction to the west and the spherical Earth . Proceeding from this point of view decided to adventure based on the latest maps of Italian scholars of his time Paulo Toscanala the (1397
1492) , as well as the German Martin Beckham ( 1459
1555 ) . Both scientists specialize sports and astronomy .
Refused to display the Senate in Genoa , as well as King Henry VII of England resorted to send a message to advisor to King Portuguese Joao II , saying : I know that there is such a road is proof of a real spherical earth and easy proof of this theory has decided the opening of the Seaway new and I will send to your Majesty map of discovery sector. would present them Minaakm and Dzrkm indicating the point of sailing toward the West and places that Sakchwha during the flight and also the furthest point can be accessed either from the pole or the equator and distances Stabrunha access to countries that might reap such treasures, not Ttfajaa if I said that the West country 's treasures as they usual call us the east, where it is constantly sailed westward arrived in the country's east across the Atlantic Ocean to the second half of the globe. But if you would send explorers across dry land from the hemisphere where you are , we find that those countries that have been Wasl is only the east. But its share was not Faalbertgal either .
April 30, 1492 signed the Catholic Monarchs Spaniards, with Kristfor agreement , stating that Columbus " Kmkchw of the islands and continents in the sea and ocean," Based on the foregoing will be given the rank of Prince of the seas and oceans as a decision royal applies across the country . And In addition, it will give 10% of the gold and goods , which will be attended by him without any taxes . in the port of Pylos had been equipped with three vessels of various sizes :

The first vessel : the flagship Santa Maria , one of the Noekaraval . The immersion part of the ship : 2.8 m , displacement college : 227 tons , the number of crew : 84 sailor. This ship was led by Admiral Columbus .
The second ship : Binta a kind of Caravelle . Length - 20.1 m Width : 7.3 m , Draught : 2.0 m , displacement : 168.4 tons , crew : 65 . The captain and the owner was Martin Alonso Benson .
Third ship : Nina was a kind of Caravelle . This label was common on this ship , but her real name was Santa Clara Height : 17.3 m Width : 5.6 m , Draught : 1.9 m , displacement: 101.2 tons , Crew: 40 sailor . Captain ڤicente the Yannis Benson and the ship owner Juan Ninia .
On October 12, discovered what is called today Islands, the Bahamas , but he dubbed San Salvador [3] which was the first steps , on October 28, arrived in Cuba, has been access to many of the islands that were unthinkable a presence in that period.
On December 16, 1492 returned ships Binta and Nina to Spain in the return trip took approximately 3 months, where the Spanish arrived in the port on March 15, 193. It is the first - day cruises that this period of continuous sailing in Malk era .
Columbus was a belief that he arrived in the so-called Western India has been successful trips where he was able to bring a lot gold , owning many of the islands named in Hindi . King and Queen of Spain were in the very joy of what reached seas Almkchwkolomps .
Columbus did not stop at this point of the discoveries was always eager to discover what is beyond , and returned for a second sailing from the ports of Spain with a fleet consisting of 17 ships , accompanied by 1500 a sailor, and his ships were equipped with supplying enough 6 months . Like its predecessor not تبؤ this trip a failure , have discovered new islands , including what is known today Antilles Islands and later the Caribbean Sea from the south side of Cuba. All this in order to search for India ...
In May 1494 arrived in Jamaica , and many other islands located east of the American continent. And so may Columbus arrived to the most important and the most important discoveries of new sea routes were developed maps and new graphics all this did not guessed days he did not Aisalhind .
Believed to range from scientists that there are already Columbus in the discovery of the New World, and returning it to the manuscripts by Columbus himself confirming the presence of traces African upon his arrival to America , which supports the word historically that Abu Bakr II , who ruled an empire of Mali is the one who discovered America before Columbus Bmita year
May 20, 1506 in Spain, his health deteriorated and began fighting for his life after that تعارك throughout his life with the waves of the sea and the ocean. He was buried without doing a funeral ceremony that restored scientists and discoverers that time.
Christopher Columbus died in Valladolid in 1506 in the house which is now a museum dedicated to him. Announced in 2006 the results of research conducted by a team from the University of Granada on the bones of the person buried in the Cathedral of Sevilla , which proved it back to Christopher Columbus ( 1451 , 1506 ) . But despite that Christopher Columbus was the first to discover America, the New World , they called on someone else is Amerigo Vespucci , who confirmed that Christopher Columbus did not reach Alai India but came to the New World in 1507 the geographical German Martin Vdezmiller draw a map of the new world as he saw and described Amerigo Vespucci and suggested that this world is called Discovered name and found the proposal acceptable, and named this new world of America relative to the Amerigo Vespucci

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