الأحد، 15 سبتمبر 2013

Adolf Hitler

Adolf Hitler's rule of Germany in the period between 1933 and 1945, where he served as adviser to the state (in German: Reichskanzler) in the period between 1933 and 1945, and the Führer (German: Führer) in the period between 1934 and 1945. Chosen by Time magazine as one of the between Personal hundred left the greatest impact on human history in the twentieth century. 
As one of the veterans who have held decorations in recognition of their efforts in the First World War alongside Germany, Hitler joined the Nazi Party in 1920 and became its leader in 1921. After his imprisonment after a failed coup attempt carried out in 1923, Hitler was able to get the support of the masses by encouraging support ideas of nationalism and anti-communism and charisma (or gravity) enjoyed by in speeches and in advertising. 
In 1933, he was appointed an adviser to the country where he worked to lay the foundations of a system governed by the tendency of totalitarian and fascist dictatorship. Hitler pursued a foreign policy of its stated goal of which is seizing on what he called the vital domain (German: Lebensraum) (and is intended to control certain areas to ensure the presence of Germany Nazahodman the economic prosperity) and directing state resources towards achieving Hmaagv. Has Defence Force, which rebuilt invaded Poland in 1939 which led to the outbreak of the Second World War, and during the three years, occupied Germany and the Axis powers most of continental Europe (excluding UK) and large parts of Africa and the countries of East and Southeast Asia and the Pacific, and one-third of the Soviet Union (from the west to the city of Stalingrad)). However, the Allies succeeded in that prevail in the end. 
In 1945, the Allied armies succeeded in the invasion of Germany in all its aspects and until the fall of Berlin. During the last days of the war in 1945, Hitler married his mistress Eva Braun after a long love story. After less than two days, committed suicide Ashiqan. [2] 

Hitler said commenting on this that educational تعثره was stemmed from rebellion against his father, who wanted him to follow his lead and have customs staff despite Hitler's desire to be a painter. This interpretation is supported by Hitler that description, who described himself then as an artist offended him to understand. After the death of Alois in the third month of January in 1903, Hitler did not improve the level of the school. But Hitler left high school at age sixteen without obtaining his testimony. 

Often the Hitler family was moving from one place to another, where I moved from Bruno Am The to Bassaw city of and امباتش City and the City of Ionding near the city of Linz. Hitler was the child outperforming students in elementary school, but failed in the sixth grade, the first year in the Realschule (high school) when he lived in Linz and he had to return this school year. And said معلموه him that he "does not want to work." For a period of one year Hitler was in the same classroom with Ludwig Wittgenstein;, which is considered to be one of the most influential philosophers of the twentieth century. Despite the fact that the boys were in the same age almost, it was Wittgenstein preceded Hitler's two rows semesters. [10] were not sure you know Hitler and Wittgenstein to each other at the time, as well as to remember one another. Lived Hitler's Children's turbulent, where his father was a violent treated in him and his mother, even if Hitler himself said that in his youth he usually beaten by his father. Years later occur Hitler to his manager, saying: "held - then - determined not to cry again when assails the father whip. A few days later I had the opportunity to put my will to the test. As my mother has stood in horror sheltering behind the door. As I I took silently counted the number of strikes that were heaped on the butt. " Historians believe that the history of domestic violence perpetrated by Hitler against the father and mother have been referred to in parts of his book Mein Kampf, Hitler in which he described a detailed description of an incident of domestic violence committed by one of the couples against his wife. And explain the incident, in addition to the facts of beatings carried out by his father against him cause deep emotional attachment between Hitler and his mother at the time in which he felt very resentful of his father. 
In his book Mein Kampf attributed Hitler his conversion to faith in nationalism German to teenage years first read the book of his father Franco-Prussian War, which made him wonder about the reasons why his father and other German descent Austrian fail in the defense of Germany during the war. 
Hitler's father was - Aloys Hitler - born illegitimate. During the nine years and the first thirty years of age, carry Alois surname and his mother is Chikjerober. 
In 1876, Alois Download the title of his stepfather Johann Georg Hiedler. The name can be written in more ways than follows: Hiedler The Huetler and Huettler and the Hitler, and may have had a staff unification formula to Hitler. The name is derived from "a person who lives in a hut" (German classical: Hütte) or "shepherd" (German classical: hüten = guarding), which in English means paying attention or may be derived from word Slavic Hidlar and Hidlarcek. (With regard to Balnzeratin of the first and second, some German dialects may be able to discrimination degree simple or can not distinguish between two sounds ü-and i-upon pronunciation. 
Has been exploited for the Allied forces propaganda original family name of Hitler during the Second World War, was the aircraft in the process of airdrops on German cities leaflets bearing the words "Heil Schicklgruber" a reminder to the Germans by their leader rates. Despite the fact that Hitler was born a legally bears the name of Hitler, it also has been associated Hiedler by his grandfather mother of John Hiedler. 
The name "Adolf" is derived from the ancient German and means "noble wolf" (The name consists of Adel, which means nobility, in addition to the word wolf).Has begun to use this title in the early twenties of the nineteenth century and was calling him by those close to him only (where the title family Wagner as Uncle Wolf) until the fall of the Third Reich. [13] reflected the names that launched on the headquarters of different driving him all over continental Europe, was named Walker wolf in East Prussia, and Wolfsschlucht in France,, Werwolf in the Ukraine and other names, which they refer to this title. Moreover, Hitler known as "Adi" between the close of his family and relatives. 
Hitler's grandfather was his father probably one of the brothers Johann Georg Hiedler or Johann Nepomuk Hiedler. And Sirte rumors that Hitler had belonged to Jews by one of his ancestors; because his grandmother Maria Hikjerober of the have loaded when she was working as a maid in a Jewish home. The latest inherent in the meaning of these rumors tremendous bang politically since Hitler was a passionate advocate for Aadioljiatansria and anti-Semitic. Opponents have tried hard prove Hitler ratios to Jewish descent or Czech. Despite the fact that these rumors have never unproven, it was enough for Hitler's order that hide assets.And after the annexation of Austria to Germany, Hitler has converted the city in which he lived and his father to an area for artillery training. 

Starting in 1905, Hitler lived a bohemian life in Vienna on a government grant to help the orphans and the financial support his mother was offered to him. Acceptance was rejected twice at the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna and in 1907 and 1908 because "it is not appropriate for the field of painting," and told him that the best of him directing his abilities to the field of architecture. [14] memoirs reflected his fascination with this subject: 
The purpose of my trip is to study the paintings in the showroom at the museum, which was called the Court Museum, but I rarely you turned to anything other than the museum itself. Vmend morning until late at night, you navigate among the exhibits that attract boast, but it was always the buildings that take over the whole my attention. [15] 
Following the advice of the prime school to him, is also convinced that this is the way he should being supplied but it lacks the appropriate academic preparation for admission to the School of Architecture. 

Within a few days, I realized that deep down I have to become an architect day. The truth is that my behavior this way was a very tough question as negligent to complete my studies in high school may hurt me because it was necessary to a large extent. And it can not be enrolled in school architecture of the Academy without that I have joined the school earlier technical construction for the study enrollment, which was required to obtain a high school diploma. I did not have any of these steps. It seemed to me to realize my dream in the world of art is already impossible. [15] Adolf Hitler 
At December 21, 1907, Hitler's mother died after breast cancer at the age of forty-seven years. The order of a court in Linz, Hitler gave his share of the subsidy granted by the government for the orphans to his sister Paula. When he was twenty-one years old, Hitler inherited money from one of the aunts. Hitler tried to find his way as a painter effort in Vienna, where he was copying landscapes on postcards and selling his paintings to merchants and tourists after it was rejected by the Academy of Arts for the second time, it was his whole had been carried out. In 1909, Hitler lived in a shelter for the homeless. However, by 1910, Hitler had settled in a house dwell in it of workers in poor Meldemannstraße. 
He told Hitler that his belief in the necessity of anti-Semitism appeared for the first time in Vienna, which was live in a Jewish community large include Alyalehud Orthodox who had fled the pogroms they have suffered in Russia. [15] However, it is stated in the words of a friend of his childhood, a Auguste كوبيتسك that Hitler Preference "confirmed in anti-Semitism" has appeared before leaving Linz in Austria. [15] In this period, Vienna was a hotbed for the spread of the spirit of traditional religious bias, as well as the racism that have emerged in the nineteenth century. It is possible that Hitler was influenced by the writings of Lanz von Abnfels; author of theories of anti-Semitism, as well as the views of المجادلين of politicians such as: Carl Waijer founder of the Socialist Party, the Christian mayor of Vienna in addition to the composer Richard Wagner and George Ritter von Hunearer is one of the leaders of the nationalist German known as away from Rome!; a movement that emerged in Europe in the nineteenth century, which was designed to unite the peoples speak German Faoroba. It is alleged Hitler in his book Mein Kampf that turning the idea of ​​opposition to anti-Semitism from a religious perspective to support in terms of the two came from inadvertent contact with Orthodox Jews, and if this interpretation is correct, it is clear that Hitler did not act according to this new belief. He was often down a guest for dinner at the home of a Jewish nobleman in addition to its ability to interact with large Jewish merchants who were trying to sell his paintings. [16] 
In his book Mein Kampf refers Hitler to Martin Luther as a warrior, a great and a statesman, a real reformer great, as were all of Wagner and Frederick the Great for him. [17] wrote Wilhelm Rubik after the reality of the Holocaust, saying: "There is no doubt that the doctrine of Martin Luther had a impact on the political history, spiritual and social development in Germany in a way - after thinking meditator in all its aspects - can be described as part of the fatalities were Germany. 
Hitler claimed that Jews were enemies of the Aryan race. Also delivered on the shoulders of the Jews responsible for the crisis that occurred in Austria. He was able to stand on specific images of socialism and Bolshevism led by many of the leaders of the Jews - as a kind of Jewish movements - for doing a combination of anti-Semitism and anti-Marxism. Later, Hitler blamed the defeat German army Otinaaharb the First World revolutions in 1918 and then, accuse Jews of causing offense in the loss of the objectives of the colonial Germany, as well as in the pathogenesis of the economic problems that caused. 
In the light of the turbulent scenes that have been happening in Parliament in the era of multinational Austrian property, Hitler decided not to the validity of the democratic parliamentary system application. In spite of this - According to said Auguste كوبيتسك and who shared the same room at one time - that Hitler was interested in the work of the opera written by Wagner over his interest in his political views. 
Hitler received the final part of his father's property in May of 1913 to move then to live in Munich. Hitler wrote in Kvahionh had always longed for life in the German city "real." In Munich, Hitler became more interested in the art of architecture; and that is what the words of Hitler appeared in the writings of Houston Stewart Chamberlain. The move to Munich also has helped him to evade of military Adaoualkhaddma in Austria for some time despite the fact that police in Munich (which was working in cooperation with the Austrian authorities) eventually managed to arrest him. Having examined physically and progress petition shows remorse for what DID, it was decided that improper performance of military service and was allowed to return to Munich. However, when Germany entered World War I in August of 1914, Hitler appealed to the king of Bavaria, Ludwig III to allow him to serve in the army. Indeed, the king agreed to his petition, were recruited Adolf Hitler in the Bavarian army. 

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