الاثنين، 5 أغسطس 2013


Plato (in Latin: Plato) (Greek: Πλάτων), and the name means: «broad-minded» [1]) (427-428 BC. \ 347-348 BC). [2] classical Greek philosopher, mathematician, author of a number of dialogues philosophical, and is considered the founder of the Academy of Athens, which is the first institute of higher education in the western world, his mentor Socrates and his student Aristotle, put Plato foundations first Western philosophy and science. [3], was a disciple of Socrates, and was influenced by his ideas also influenced his execution oppressor.
Plato's genius and his style as a writer and a clear in Socratic Mahorath (about thirty Conversation) dealing with different philosophical topics: knowledge, reasoning, language, mathematics, Almitavezkiee, ethics and politics. [4]
I do not know where Plato was born, and does not know his birth date exactly, but it certainly belongs to an aristocratic family had its influential position in the Greek society.
According to ancient sources, most modern scholars believe that Plato was born in Athens or Ojanitts between 427 \ 428 BC. AD. Plato's father called Ariston, according to the historian Diogenes Yoshis (200 m) that Plato's father lineage from his father due to one of the kings of Athens called Codrus and his mother to the kings of Messinia [5]. Plato's mother name Benktona the (Περικτιόνη) a strain of legal and aristocratic Greek poet Solon. [6] Benktona sister Greek tyrant Critias: Κριτίας and tyrant Carmedos the daughter: Χαρμίδης, both prominent figures of the Thirty Tyrants or oligarchs who came after the collapse of Athens at the completion of the Peloponnesian War (403-404 BC). [7]. As Plato himself, Ariston Benktona the Plato's parents have three other children bulk a Admientos and the other Colakn and recent Bouton or the Cioseibes philosopher who claims to Plato's Academy after his death. [7]. According to Plato in the Republic of book that Admientos
And Colakn Akbrunh older.
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